Nikema's Blog
WordsMore Live Practice with Restream
I'm still nervous but I'm sure this will get easier if I keep practicing. Wish me luck, y'all.
Live Video is Happening
It is absolutely going to be a thing starting today. I had a goal to go live a few minutes. I did that and I exceeded the goal time. Next time, I'll be prepared with at least a talking point. The goal today was just to get it done.
#NikemaLearns About AWS – #1 Getting Started
Getting started can be difficult. The state between the initial excitement of learning something new and when things start to click into place can be hard to move through. I’m proud to say that I’ve started and I'm moving forward in my study practice. I’m still wobbly...

Introducing the #NikemaLearns DevOps Blog Series
I am geeked out about learning! I get enjoyment out of adding to my knowledge and pushing at the edges of my comfort zone. While continuous learning is important to me, It’s easy to fall out of practice when work and family time demand a lot of my attention. Part of...

How the Pandemic Opened the Door to My Career in Tech
The 2020 coronavirus pandemic played a part in reducing the access gap for parents (with caregiving responsibilities), disabled people, and neurodivergent people in tech. I'm a member of each of those marginalized groups, plus some. Tech's quick transition to remote...